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Ribbons for the Compact Treasury of Daily Prayer

By Larry Beane

The Treasury of Daily Prayer is a helpful resource for pastors and laity; for groups, families, and individuals to enjoy the blessings of the disciplined prayer life offered by the Daily Office.  The TDP includes breviary readings from Holy Scripture (with emphasis on the Psalms), and devotional writings from the range of the Church Catholic, from the early fathers, through the Reformation and the Lutheran Confessions, to meditations written by modern saints of the church - mainly from our Lutheran tradition.

The original TDP came with standardized ribbons and a page explaining a suggested way to make use of them.

One of the few downsides of the original TDP is its size.  So a user-friendly smaller-sized compact leather edition came out.  However, this one lacks the ribbons as well as the page explaining how to use them.  I'm not sure how one can really use the TDP without some kind of marking system, perhaps sticky flags (which can sometimes damage the print).

Well, my dear wife Grace came to the rescue.

She bought materials and designed a custom set of ribbons that fits perfectly into the spine of the smaller-sized TDP.  She sewed it together, trimmed the ribbons, and treated the edges to prevent fraying.  Upon request, she made one for another member of my parish.

I asked if she would consider making it available to others for a small charge.  She graciously (see what I did there?) agreed to make them and sell them for $5.00, shipping included.  So if you would like one, please e-mail Grace at