TGC 214 — A Lutheran Kuyperian Vision?
A Lutheran Kuyperian Vision?
Fr. Adam Koontz
Abraham Kuyper said: "There is not one thumb’s width in the whole domain of human life which Christ, who is sovereign over all, does not cry, “Mine!” This is a common refrain with the Reformed Calvinist circles as they lay out their post-millennial eschatology. They charge Lutherans with a defeatist attitude because Lutheran amillennial eschatology. Are the Reformed Calvinists right? Are Lutherans defeatist? And if not, can they with as much vigor claim a Lutheran Kuyperian vision of their own? Adam Koontz sorts it out for us.
You can hear more from Koontz here:
A Brief History of Power with Jonathan Fisk
Word Fitly Spoken with Willie Grills and Zelwyn Heide
Host: Fr. Jason Braaten
Regular Guest: Fr. Adam Koontz
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