
St. Michael Liturgical Conference
9:00 AM09:00

St. Michael Liturgical Conference

  • Zion Evangelical-Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Twenty Fifth Annual St. Michael Liturgical Conference

Monday, September 30, A.+ D. 2024 - Zion Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Detroit

Registration forms are now available here. Call the Church office for more information: (313) 894-7450.

The Solemn High Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 a.m.  Registration opens at 8:15 a.m.

Keynote Presentation – Rev. Dr. Jonathan Bruss  

“Lutheran Liturgy:  The Saxon Settlement of 1580 and Formula of Concord Article X”

Perhaps no article of The Book of Concord of 1580 has come into more controversy in the context of North American confessional Lutheranism than Formula of Concord X, “On Church Rites, which are commonly called adiaphora or matters of indifference.” While FC X certainly recognizes “matters of indifference,” it nevertheless does not allow an indifferent approach to adiaphora. If the opposite of an indifferent approach is a judicious one, I propose that using the Saxon Church Order of 1580 allows modern interpreters of FC X to understand just what the formulators had in mind. The judicious application of the teaching of FC X in that church order, undertaken in cooperation with Jakob Andreä, stands within, reflects, and indeed replicates a long line of Lutheran liturgical thought traceable to Luther’s earliest work on the liturgy and offers a clear insight into how the formulators understood FC X.

Q & A with Dr. Bruss -  Fr. Mark Braden, Pastor of Zion, will facilitate a Q & A period during which conference attendees can interact with Dr. Bruss on his keynote presentation. 

A Panel Discussion by this years’ presenters, joined by several distinguished guests and select Gottesdienst editors, will follow the Q&A.  Questions from Conference attendees will be answered and discussed by the panel.

Afternoon Presentation:  The Lutheran Missal Project, “Let Me Never Be Confounded”, and the History of the Te Deum Laudamus.   Two years after his first presentation to the Conference, Fr. Evan Scamman will  present  an update on the Lutheran Missal Project.  Fr. Larry Beane will provide theological reflection on the words of the Te Deum Let me never be confounded? What does this mean?.”   Fr. Burnell Eckardt will explore and discuss the mysterious history of the Te Deum Laudamus.

Organ Recital – Miss Emily Solomon, Cantor of Zion Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Detroit, and Executive Director of the Academy of Early Music, will play from 2:30 to 3:00 p.m.

The Reverend Dr. David Petersen, Pastor of Redeemer Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Fort Wayne, Indiana, and departmental editor of Gottesdienst, will preach at the Mass, the Commemoration of St. Jerome. 

A catered luncheon, and morning and afternoon refreshments, will be provided. 

The Divine Offices of Sext and Solemn Vespers will be prayed. 

Gemütlichkeit in the Undercroft follows Vespers.  Food and beverages will be provided.

Conference information:

Email:     Phone: 313.894.7450

Lodging recommendations are available from the church office.

About the Presenters:

The Reverend Doctor J.S. Bruss was elected the 17th president of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne (CTSFW), after joining the faculty as associate professor of systematic theology in fall of 2022.

He earned the B.A. in 1989 at St. Olaf College (classics magna cum laude), the M.Div. in 1994 at Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary (ELS) in Mankato, Minnesota, and the M.A. and Ph.D. in classics and philosophy from the University of Minnesota in 1996 and 2000 respectively. From 1991 through 2002 he served on the faculty of Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato, and thereafter at St. Olaf College, The University of the South, and the University of Kansas. From 2013 through 2022 he served as pastor at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Topeka, Kansas.

Dr. Bruss has been a contributing translator to the CPH Luther’s Works supplement, most notably the Annotationes in Matthaeum, and was a director of the Concordia University System from 2019 to 2022. He and his wife Kristine, who is the chief communications officer at CTSFW, have a daughter, Ingrid, who was joined in holy matrimony to Peter Funk on 24 August 2024. 

 The Reverend Dr. Burnell Eckardt is Pastor of St. Paul’s Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Kewanee, Illinois. He received the Ph.D. from Marquette University and the S.T.M. from Concordia Theological Seminary.  Fr. Eckardt is the General Editor of Gottesdienst: A Quarterly Journal of the Evangelical-Lutheran Liturgy, and author of Every Day Will I Bless Thee: Meditations for the Daily Office; The New Testament in His Blood: A Study of the Holy Liturgy of the Christian Church; and compiler of The Lutheran Propers. 

The Reverend Evan Scamman is the Pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Greenwich, Connecticut. He received his MDiv from Concordia Theological Seminary.  With Fr. Stefan Gramenz, Pastor of Christ the King Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Pawling, New York, he is engaged in the creation of a Lutheran Missal based on Lutheran agenda of the Reformation era.

The Reverend  Larry Beane is Pastor of Salem Lutheran Church in Gretna, Louisiana. He has served as Gottesdienst online editor since 2008 and departmental editor since 2010. He holds an MDiv from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He has taught Apologetics, Economics, and Government at Wittenberg Academy. He has served as the chaplain of the David Crockett Volunteer Fire Company in Gretna, as a chaplain (with the grade of Captain) in the US Air Force Auxiliary (Civil Air Patrol), and is the current Louisiana Wing Chaplain for CAP. He was privileged to teach at Lutheran seminars in Siberia.  

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Gottesdienst Conference
to May 8

Gottesdienst Conference

  • Redeemer Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Gottedienst Conference: Art, Beauty, and Confession

Redeemer Lutheran Church, Ft. Wayne, IN  May 6-8, 2024 A+D

Registration: $45 until April 15, after that $75. Register at the bottom of THIS PAGE by entering your email and paying via PayPal.

Gottesdienst will host a conference May 6-8, 2024 at Redeemer in Fort Wayne featuring keynote addresses by David Scaer, Ed Riojas, and John Hrehov on art and beauty as theological concepts and needs for the Church’s confession. David Scaer is well known among us. Register with the early bird discount by April 15 for only $45 and save $30. April 16-May 7 registrations are $75. The schedule is given below along with information regarding Riojas and Hrehov. The conference includes 2 dinners and Gemütlichkeits and one lunch.

The Gemütlchkeits are sponsored by LCEF. LCEF offers a number of financial products, but their current rates for rostered church worker mortgages are very competitive. They are also offering great rates on fixed rate investments and liquid accounts. If you’re in the market, look here

Redeemer Lutheran Church is located at 202 W Rudisill, Ft. Wayne, IN 46807.

Edward Riojas received a BFA degree from Aquinas College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, graduating summa cum laude with a major in drawing and a minor in printmaking. He spent nearly 31 years in the newspaper industry. Riojas has since returned to his fine art roots and works as a full-time artist, creating sacred art for commissions and collaborations with various Lutheran entities. His work can be found in sanctuaries, institutions, private collections, and markets throughout the U.S. and across the globe.

For more information:

John Hrehov holds an MFA from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a BFA from the Cleveland Institute of Art. He is a Professor in the Department of Art and Design, at Purdue University Fort Wayne (PFW). Hrehov has had numerous solo and group exhibitions throughout the country, including Gallery Victor Armendariz, Chicago, IL; Fort Wayne Museum of Art, Fort Wayne, IN; and Denise Bibro Fine Art, NYC.

Awards include the 2021 Recharge New Surrealist Prize, created for painters living in the U.S. and U.S. Territories who are working in the New Surrealist Style, Gladys Emerson Cook Prize in the Area of Prints, Drawings, and Pastel, the 167th Annual Exhibition National Academy of Design, NYC, and the Eastman- Bolton Memorial Award, Cleveland Institute of Art. His work has been featured and reviewed in various publications including Art in America, American Artist Magazine, Louisville Courier-Journal, and The Journal Gazette of Fort Wayne, IN. He is represented by Denise Bibro Fine Arts, Inc. in New York, NY, and Gallery Victor Armendariz, Chicago, IL. For more information:

Monday, 6 May 2024
1:30 p.m. Divine Service
2:30 p.m. Conference welcome
2:45 p.m. Session 1 – David Scaer “Beauty as a Theological Category”
4:15 p.m. Break
4:30 p.m. Vespers
5:00-8:00 p.m. Gemütlichkeit and and supper provided

Tuesday, 7 May 2024
8:30 a.m. Matins
9:00 a.m. Coffee and Donuts (undercroft)
9:15 a.m. Session 2 – Edward Riojas “Art, Beauty, and Confession”
10:45 a.m. Session 3 – John Hrehov “Art, Beauty, and Confession – another perspective”
12:15 p.m. Lunch provided
1:00 p.m. Session 4  – Panel Discussion with Riojas and Hrehov
2:15 p.m. Session 5 – Singing Lesson with Jonathan Busarow
3:45 p.m. Vespers
4:30-8:00 p.m. Gemütlichkeit and Supper provided 

Wednesday, 8 May 2024
8:30 a.m. Divine Service
9:00 a.m. Coffee and Donuts
9:15 a.m. Session 6 -Nathaniel Pullmann “The Centrality of Art in Classical Education”
10:30 a.m. Panel Discussion

11:30 a.m. Lunch on your own

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St. Mark's Conference
to Apr 23

St. Mark's Conference

  • Our Saviour Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

“Sacraments, Liturgy, and Mission”

The Saint Mark’s Conference concerns the confessional, sacramental, and liturgical life of the Church of the Augsburg Confession.

The Rev. Paul Gregory Alms will speak on Sacraments and Vocation in Luther’s Lectures on Genesis in two parts. Pastor Alms is the pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Catonsville, Maryland. He is a graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana, having earned Master of Divinity and Master of Sacred Theology degrees there. He has published articles in journals such as TouchstoneFirst Things OnlineConcordia Theological QuarterlyLutheran Witness, and others. He is married to Suzanne and they have four daughters and two grandchildren.

The Rev. Charles McClean will discuss A Chapter in LCMS History: The Liturgical Society of Saint James. Pastor McClean is a graduate of Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis and has been pastor of Our Saviour since 2013. Pr. McClean has served parishes in Virginia, Illinois, and Pennsylvania, among other places. His Master of Sacred Theology thesis, Theological Issues at the Colloquy of Montbeliard 1586, was prepared under the supervision of the Rev. Dr. Arthur Carl Piepkorn. Pastor McClean is editor of The Conduct of the Services.

The The Rev. Dr. Douglas Spittel and the Rev. Benjamin Janssen will talk about Service for All People: The Lutheran Liturgy in Mission, Outreach and Catechesis. Dr. Spittel is the senior pastor at First Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Pittsburgh, PA, having served there since 1998. He received the Master of Divinity degree from Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, in 1990 and a dual diploma Doctor of Ministry from the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and the Antiochian House of Studies in 2007. He also serves as President of the Pittsburgh Area Lutheran Ministries, and as Suffragan (Auxiliary) Bishop and Vice-President for the Eastern Region of the English District. Pastor Janssen is called by First Trinity Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Pittsburgh, PA to serve Holy Cross Evangelical-Lutheran Chapel of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a mission congregation of First Trinity Church and the Pittsburgh Area Lutheran Ministries. In 2023 he graduated with a Master of Divinity degree from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indianna. He and his wife Elizabeth are happily married and keeping busy as they raise their two sons in the Christian faith.

Additionally, we will have:

The Rev. Stephan Gramenz
Pastor of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Christ the King
Pawling, New York
Preacher at Divine Service

Rev. Roy Axel Coats
Pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer
Baltimore, Maryland
Preacher at Divine Service

Rev. Benjamin Hertel
Pastor of Zion Lutheran Church and St. John’s Lutheran Church
Accident, Maryland
Preacher at Vespers

The Rev. Brian Westgate
Pastor of Saint Paul’s Church, Kouts, Indiana
Conference Organist

The Saint Mark’s Conference concerns the confessional, sacramental, and liturgical life of the Church of the Augsburg Confession. It is hosted by Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Baltimore, Maryland and is open to interested clergy and laity.

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