
St. Michael Liturgical Conference
9:00 AM09:00

St. Michael Liturgical Conference

  • Zion Evangelical-Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The 2023 St. Michael Liturgical Conference: Monday, September 25 - Zion Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Detroit

 This Twenty-fourth annual St. Michael Liturgical Conference will focus on preaching, the Holy Liturgy and Occasional Services, and a new Lutheran hymnal.

Keynote Address:  Fr. Karl Fabrizius - “Water Flowing from the Temple: Bringing Life to Every Creature”  Fr. Fabrizius will explore and expound on the importance of Ezekiel's river from the temple in connection with your preaching.  The preacher should not be content with the stagnant pools at the edge of the river of life, but swim in the rushing currents that bring life to the nations.

Q & A with Fr. Fabrizius & Panel Discussion -  Fr. Mark Braden, Pastor of Zion, will facilitate a Q & A period during which conference attendees can interact with Fr. Fabrizius on his keynote presentation. 

A Panel Discussion by this years’ presenters, joined by several distinguished guests and select Gottesdienst editors, will follow the Q&A.  Questions from Conference attendees will be answered and discussed by the panel.

Workshops:  A New Video, Lochner’s Liturgical Forms, and the Protest’ant Hymnal.   Dr. Eckardt will present and provide commentary on the new Gottesdienst video of a Lutheran Mass conducted by an Ordained Pastor with one lay assistant.  Fr. Braden will discuss and explore Friedrich Lochner’s 1894 Liturgical Forms and the Shorter Liturgical Works, with input and commentary from its translator.  Dr. Reuning will present and explore sections of the soon to be published Protes’tant hymnal, Te Laudamus.


8:15 a.m.         Registration

9:00 a.m.         Holy Communion

10:45 a.m.       Keynote Address

12:00 p.m.       Sext

12:15 p.m.       Luncheon

                        Greetings from our Bishop

1:15 p.m.         Q & A and Panel Discussion

2:15 p.m.         Break

2:30 p.m.         Organ Recital

3:00 p.m.         Workshops

4:45 p.m.         Solemn Vespers

 till 7:00 p.m.   Gemütlichkeit


The registration fee is $40 before September 15th. After September 15th the registration fee is $50.  Registration includes the cost of the conference, distribution materials, breaks, lunch, and the Gemütlichkeit.  Registration for Seminary and pre-Seminary students is free before September 15. 

About the Presenters:

The Reverend Dr. Karl Fabrizius served as Pastor of Our Fathers Evangelical-Lutheran Church and School of Greenfield, Wisconsin for 38 years.  He received his M. Div. from Concordia Theological Seminary, and his Ph.D. from Marquette University.  He has served as Guest Professor for many years in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana, and taught in the Teacher Colloquy program at Concordia University Wisconsin.  He is the author of a ten-volume set published by the Concordia Catechetical Institute, and is a Departmental Editor for Gottesdienst

The Reverend Dr. Burnell Eckardt is Pastor of St. Paul’s Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Kewanee, Illinois. He received the Ph.D. from Marquette University and the S.T.M. from Concordia Theological Seminary.  Fr. Eckardt is the General Editor of Gottesdienst: A Quarterly Journal of the Evangelical-Lutheran Liturgy, and author of Every Day Will I Bless Thee: Meditations for the Daily Office; The New Testament in His Blood: A Study of the Holy Liturgy of the Christian Church; and compiler of The Lutheran Propers. 

The Reverend Dr. Daniel Reuning is Kantor and Church Musician at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Ft. Wayne, and an emeritus member of the faculty of CTS, where he served as Dean of Chapel for 31 years.  He holds a Doctorate in Musicology from the University of Illinois, a Masters degree in Sacred Music and Liturgy from Union Theological Seminary, and the M. Div. from Concordia Seminary St. Louis.  Dr. Reuning is the Founder and Director Emeritus of the Fort Wayne Bach Collegium, which just completed its twenty-first season.

The Reverend Fr. Mark Braden is Pastor of Zion Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Detroit.  He holds both the S.T.M. and M. Div. degrees from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, where he is an adjunct faculty member. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Concordia University System, as well as on the Gottesdienst Board, and as a departmental editor.  He taught Old Testament Bible at CTS, and has taught theology throughout  South America. He teaches Biblical Greek online for CTS., has served as an International Fellow for the Luther Academy, and taught by invitation at Concordia University, Ann Arbor. 

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LCMS Convention
to Aug 3

LCMS Convention

  • Baird Convention Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The 68th Regular Convention of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is to be held July 29th to August 3rd. Gottesdienst is ready to assist conventioneers prepare with commentary and Gottesdienst news as we are able. We’ll have an exhibit there, and even plan to host a gathering on Monday night of the Convention for the Gottesdienst Crowd (that’s you, dear friends of the Lutheran liturgy).

Be sure to stop by our booth if you’re at the Convention. We’ll have books for sale, as well as free copies and some other free stuff while it lasts.

Convention Concerns, Part 1: On Luther’s Large Catechism with Annotations and Contemporary Applications

Convention Concerns, Part 2: On the Use of Online Media

Convention Concerns, Part 3: On the Abuse of the Sacrament During COVID

Going to the convention in Milwaukee? Then by all means put this on your calendar: on Monday the 31st of July, Gottesdienst will be hosting a gathering for all our friends of the Lutheran Liturgy (aka the Gottesdienst Crowd) from 6-10 pm at Mo's Irish Pub, just a few blocks’ walk from the Baird Center (where the convention is). (Normally they’re not open on Mondays, but they’re making an exception just for us.) Be there or be square! We look forward to seeing you!

142 W. Wisconsin Ave, about a 6 minute walk east, right down Wisconsin Avenue.

We’ll be updating this page with more details about convention events and issues, so check back for more information.

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Christian Culture Conference
to Jun 7

Christian Culture Conference

 The Bright Future of the Lutheran Church in America

Luther Classical College’s First Annual Christian Culture Conference (CCC) will feature six beloved confessional Lutheran speakers offering their insight on topics surrounding our Lutheran culture. There will be limited capacity for this event, but they hope to sign up as many as possible who would like to attend.  This conference will feature six beloved confessional Lutheran speakers offering insight on topics surrounding our Lutheran culture:

Rev. Dr. John Bombaro, Christian Culture and the Home;

               Rev. Hans Fiene, Can Lutherans Get Along and Still Be Orthodox?

               Rev. Dr. Gregory Schulz, Wokism in the University System

               Mr. Timothy Goeglein, Lutherans in the Public Sphere

               Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz, Past and Future of The Lutheran Church in the U.S.

Rev. David Petersen, The Bright Future of Lutheran Congregations in America

Details and registration information are at the college website:

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Gottesdienst Conference
to May 3

Gottesdienst Conference

  • Redeemer Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Liturgical Authority: A Gottesdienst Conference

Redeemer Lutheran Church, Ft. Wayne, IN  May 1-3, 2023 A+D

Registration: $50. Register by the following link. below, entering your name and e-mail address, and then clicking on “Pay now.” Registration

Father Mark Braden of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Detroit will give the main presentations arguing that the Common Service is the Missouri Synod’s liturgical authority. His presentations will present evidence from Luther, Chemnitz, and Walther that Lutherans have historically bound themselves to a single rite in order to avoid sectarianism and safeguard the treasures of the Church for themselves and future generations. He will also address concerns about who and what, after Scripture, should have the greatest weight in informing our rubrics, rites, and ceremonies.

Monday, 1 May 2023
1:30 p.m. Divine Service
3:00 p.m. Conference welcome
3:15 p.m. Session 1 – Braden on Liturgical Authority
4:15 p.m. Break
4:30 p.m. Vespers
5:00-8:00 p.m. Gemütlichkeit and Taco Bar provided by Mrs. Brenda Frese

Tuesday, 2 May 2023
8:30 a.m. Matins
9:15 a.m. Coffee and Donuts (undercroft)
9:45 a.m. Session 2 – Braden on Liturgical Authority
10:45 a.m. Questions for Braden
11:00 a.m. Session 3 – Jonathan Busarow on singing well
12:00 p.m. Lunch provided by Mrs. Brenda Frese
1:00 p.m. Session 3  – Special Presentation- to be announced
1:45 p.m. Break
2:00 p.m. Session 4 – More singing with Jonathan Busarow
3:15 p.m. Break
3:30 p.m. Vespers
4:30-8:00 p.m. Gemütlichkeit and Supper provided by Mrs. Brenda Frese

Wednesday, 3 May 2023
8:30 a.m. Divine Service
9:15 a.m. Coffee and Donuts
9:45 a.m. Session 5 – Braden on Liturgical Authority
10:45 a.m. Panel Discussion

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St. Mark's Conference
to Apr 25

St. Mark's Conference

  • Our Savior Lutheran Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Praying Church

"What could the church do? What could it do in those last years of Jerusalem to solve the problem of Palestine, which the world's political leaders have been trying in vain for centuries to do? What could the church do to stop the ruin of the Roman Empire and of the inestimable treasures of ancient culture? Instead of holding world conferences and having endless debates about the boundaries between church and culture, it went on praying without ceasing and sang the Te Deum on the debris of a world that was coming to an end. None of its prayers were in vain."

                                                          - Hermann Sasse, Sanctorum Communio (1974)

The Rev. Kurt Reinhardt will address the topic: Is Christian prayer ever private? It's always personal but we never pray alone. A native of Ottawa and a graduate of Queen's University in Kingston and Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary in St. Catherines, Pastor Reinhardt has served since 1999 as Pastor of Trinity Evangelical Church in Kurtzville, near Listowel, Ontario. He is the author of My Light and My Salvation, a collection of poetry that aims to be both ecumenical and evangelistic in its scope.

The Rev. Stefan Gramenz and the Rev. Evan Scamman will report on The Lutheran Missal Project. This project has involved extensive research of both Latin missals and 16th Lutheran Church Orders. Pastor Gramenz graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature from Concordia University, Mequon, and from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne. Since 2018 he has been Pastor of the Lutheran Church of Christ the King in Pawling, New York. Pastor Scamman  Pastor Scamman graduated with an Associate in Arts degree from Grays Harbor College in Aberdeen, Washington, and from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne. Since 2018 he has been Pastor of First Lutheran Church in Greenwich, Connecticut.

The Rev. Roy Axel Coats will speak on Providence and Prayer in Martin Chemnitz.

Pastor Coats has served at the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Baltimore since 2010. He graduated with a Bachelor's in Liberal Arts from Thomas Aquinas College in Santa Paula, California. He then attended Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana, completing his studies before being called to serve Redeemer Church. Pastor Coats is on the board of the Wyneken Project and is active in the Maryland Chapter of Lutherans for Life.

Conference Schedule:
Monday, April 24 – Monday after the Misericordias Domini/ Saint Mark's Eve
11:00 AM – Divine Service

12:30 PM – Lunch

1:00 PM – “Is Christian Prayer Ever Private?” Part I – (The Rev. Kurt Reinhardt, Pastor, Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Kurtsville, Ontario)

2:30 PM – “Providence and Prayer in Martin Chemnitz” (The Rev. Roy Axel Coats, Pastor, Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Baltimore, MD)

4:00 PM – First Vespers of Saint Mark's Day

5:00 PM – Gemütlichkeit

Tuesday, April 26 – Saint Mark's Day
9:00 AM – Matins

9:30 AM – “Is Christian Prayer Ever Private?” Part II (The Rev. Kurt Reinhardt)

11:00 AM – Litany in Procession and Divine Service

12:30 PM – Lunch

1:00 PM – “The Lutheran Missal Project” (The Rev. Stefan Gramenz, Pastor, Lutheran Church of Christ the King, Pawling, New York and The Rev. Evan Scamman, Pastor, First Lutheran Church, Greenwich, Connecticut)

2:00 PM – Panel Discussion

2:45 PM – Itinerarium: Prayer for Travelers

Additionally, we will have:

The Rev. Eric Bednash
Pastor of Saint James Lutheran Church
Baltimore, Maryland
Preacher at Divine Service

Rev. Kevin Barron
Pastor of Calvary Lutheran Church
Baltimore, Maryland
Preacher at Divine Service

Rev. J. Thomas Foelber
Visitor of Circuit 3
Baltimore, Maryland
Preacher at Vespers

The Rev. Brian Westgate
Pastor of Saint Paul's Church, Kouts, Indiana
Conference Organist

The Saint Mark’s Conference concerns the confessional, sacramental, and liturgical life of the Church of the Augsburg Confession. It is hosted by Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Baltimore, Maryland and is open to interested clergy and lay persons.

Details and registration information are at the conference website:

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