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A blog of the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgy

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Auf Deutsch Rezension: Evangelisch-Lutherisches Kirchengesangbuch durch Dr. Ben Mayes

Dr. Ben T. Mayes praises a few aspects of the new SELK hymnal, but mostly issues warnings about the future of Confessional Lutheranism in Germany. He has a particular concern about a possible move by the SELK signaled by this hymnal to an unbiblical view of the role of women in the Church. All this he presents in the midst of a reminder about the reality of Lex Orandi Lex Credendi.

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Review Essay SELK's new hymnal by Dr. Ben T. Mayes

Dr. Ben T. Mayes praises a few aspects of the new SELK hymnal, but mostly issues warnings about the future of Confessional Lutheranism in Germany. He has a particular concern about a possible move by the SELK signaled by this hymnal to an unbiblical view of the role of women in the Church. All this he presents in the midst of a reminder about the reality of Lex Orandi Lex Credendi.

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The Donkey and the Tiger Re-Revisited

This little parable illustrates the ontological difference between the idea that reality is objective vs the idea that reality is subjective. We are increasingly culturally captive to the latter, and this philosophical framework is known as Postmodernism.

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Larry BeaneComment
First Look at the LCMS Presidential Election 2023

So the 2023 election is shaping up a lot like the 2019 election in this regard: the Coalition of the Dissatisfied is once again afraid and/or unable to make the election about anything overtly theological. They will not campaign on reinstating Wichita 1989. They will not openly state a desire to overturn closed communion or a male-only clergy roster. They can’t: their coalition is too theologically diverse. Instead, they will stick to platitudes about being “evangelical” and “loving” and trust that each faction of their coalition will interpret those words according to their own lights.

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On Leadership

The Progressive Wing of the LCMS loves the word “leadership.” Get ready to hear that word a lot more as the LCMS political season heats up in anticipation of our convention and election.

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Larry Beane Comments