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"I want to worship. I don't want to go to a concert."

In an earlier post, I mentioned the conversion and baptism of Katherine Von Drachenberg, also known as the TV personality Kat Von D.

She recently appeared on a podcast, in which she said (as quoted in a Relevant Magazine article):

“I want to worship. I don’t want to go to a concert.”

“You know, we all dress nice when we go to church — that’s our own personal thing,” she said. “This is a sacred space. And I feel like other outlets and stuff just didn’t really align with what I’m looking for, you know? I feel like God spit me out on the doorsteps of the most perfect church for me.”

Von D also shared her initial experience at the church, which she said is a small congregation with “a lot of old people.”

Von D also said she was primarily focused on learning from the pastor and studying the Bible.

“I want to learn about the Bible,” she said. “I don’t want necessarily feel-good stories. I’m here to learn.”

Hopefully, our own hipster pastors and congregations - who have rid themselves of traditional churchly practices, such as liturgy, hymns, traditional architecture, reverence, and serious Christianity in favor of rock concerts, emotion, a stage show, and informal and even irreverent presentations (often also removing the name Lutheran from their churches) - will see that generations of people, wandering in our fallen world and trapped by a Luciferian culture, are hungry for treasure, not trash. They are yearning for authenticity (not your fake authenticity that is just a gimmicky buzzword that is as counterfeit as a three dollar bill), not marketing, but real theological teaching, not entertainment, not a show, not ginned-up excitement, but the actual Word of God.

People need real worship because people need Jesus.