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Out of the Barn, Already!

The Gotttesdienst steed rides out a bit earlier than usual!

This is actually to compensate for the impediments our stallion met along the way last time. Many readers may recall the frustrations they had and lamentations they expressed (yes, we certainly heard!) when last time he arrived too late for Christmas. Of late the mail service has been slower than usual, and we learned about that too late. But not this time. (See how we listen to you and respond, dear Gottesdienst crowd?) So you either might get your mailing earlier than usual (wouldn’t that be nice!), or, if the same USPS problems should be encountered as last time, at least it won’t be late for Easter.

Of course, all this is assuming your subscription is up-to-date. If it isn’t, or if you aren’t yet a subscriber, well then, what in the world are you waiting for? Because then evidently it isn’t the mail that’s too slow. Take care of the matter right away.

Honestly, now is the time, because this issue is the first of the new-and-improved Gottesdienst! Twenty-four pages, for the first time! That’s four pages more, and all for the same price. Gas prices and other things may be going up, but not ours! And we have a number of other things to introduce too: two new columns, some little stylistic improvements, and even a cartoon or two! So, you can’t wait, right?