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Gottesdienst May Conference Ft. Wayne


May 1-3, 2023 A+D at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Ft. Wayne.

Rev. Fr. Mark Braden, Gottesdienst editor and pastor of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Detroit, will give the keynote lectures on liturgical authority.

Here is a teaser from Fr. Braden:

Luther says he doesn’t want to bind anyone to a rite, but by the time Chemnitz publishes his agenda he requires all the churches to be on the same rite.  Luther repeatedly accepts what he received from the pre-Tridentine rite,. Walther wrote a paper encouraging the “old Lutheran” practice, which he says does not lead to Rome. We will spend our time looking at some of the early rites, such as Acts 2, Didache, Apostolic Tradition, Apostolic Constitution, Ordo Romanus Primus, Luther’s revisions, and then Chemnitz’s Agenda and Loehe’s Agenda. The thesis is that the Common Service is an excellent expression of Luther’s liturgical legacy, but earlier rites can inform our practice, which makes us catholic and not sectarian