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On Mary

An ode to Mary, at the vigil of The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God (August 15)

1 Of Mary was our Lord and God

Conceived, from woman’s flesh and blood,

Who knew no man, a virgin pure:

The second Eve bears Eden’s Cure

2 As woman once brought forth from man

Was first to sin, and so was banned,

Now Man is born from her, and He

Restores her lost integrity

3 She cradles her beloved Son -

The Son of God, thrice holy One.

So small is He, so low His birth

Who cradles all in heav’n and earth.

4 Serene He lies at Mary’s breast.

Who is Himself eternal Rest

O holy blest nativity,

How wondrous is this mystery!


5 And in her motherhood we find

A pattern tranquil, meek, and kind

Reflected in her sorr’wing eyes,

The hope of heav’nly Paradise.


6 To woman now is giv’n a place

Of honor, dignity and grace

She bears the Lord, so shall she be

Blest lady for eternity.

7 O higher than the cherubim

More glorious than the seraphim

Thou bearer of th’eternal Word

Most gracious, magnify the Lord.


8 All glory to the Father be

All praise, eternal Son, to Thee,

Whom with the Spirit we adore

Forever and forevermore.  Amen.

Stanzas 1-6 Burnell F Eckardt, 2010

Stanza 7 John A. Riley, 1906